Sunday, September 6, 2009

The BIG Drive: Part 3 and 4 and Award

Didn't have time to access internet yesterday and woke with twitchy,itchy fingers. I think I may have been experiencing internet withdrawal.

Part 3 Highlights:
1. Woke up really, really early because my friend had to go pick up someone in Jackson Hole, Wyoming at 10am to start is fishing vacation. (yeah I wasn't too impressed with his vacation plan either, guess I just don't like fishing that much). And lets face it I really didn't want the responsibility of locking up his house. With my luck I would locked myself out and then would have had to wait for his house sitter to show up so that I could get the rest of my things.
2. Was the longest leg trip at 551 miles (887 km).
3. Lots of hills again (in the mountains, go figure) so mileage was okay (still averaging around 44 gpm)
4. Got to relative's house in the early afternoon. There was lots of visiting and gossiping then eating (wonderful meal with a great glass of wine) then more visiting and gossiping until it was past bedtime. Since was up really really early (before that big bright thing in the sky was even remotely visible).

Part 4 Highlights:
1. Had nice breakfast and was off at 8-ish (that bright thing was up and about)
2. Once out of the mountains it was very, very flat and quite boring. But not nearly as boring as the salt flats.
3. Not much in eastern CO or western KS. Corn and other growing stuff and some hay rolls and bales.
4. The Pruis does not like flat roads with no starting and stopping. Currently getting 42 gpm now.

Now only have one more night before hitting my new hometown. Completed 1725 miles of 2383. Hopefully there will be internet at my next stop but not counting on it. Stay with some more relatives so mostly will stay up yakking again and waking with those dang twitchy, icky finger.

Award *blush*: JennJ of Sapphire Romance Realm gave me a Lemonade Award!


Christine said...

I'm actually rather envious of this journey of yours. I know a lot of the driving and views are boring, but still... you're seeing the country!

42 gpm is fantastic!!! =)

Shaymless Aymless said...

It was more fun when I was a kid and passenger rather than the driver. We drove from LA to NYC using mostly I80 then back using Route 66. I think everyone should do it at least once! Definitely a learning experience. Or you could do what my friends are going. They plan on driving around each state. They either drive or fly in then rent a car and drive around the state.

I'm spoiled with the mileage. *g* The little Pruis is a great car. I've named it Pepper because its a green car and the color is the same as that of a Dr Pepper can. (my friends bought me a pair of Converse to match! *g*)

KT Grant said...

The scenery must be beautiful!

Shaymless Aymless said...

Argh! All this driving around is really encroaching on my blog reading and keeping up the writing reviews!

Proud to say that I've still managed to start and finish two books! (of course we won't mention that in the course of reading said books, we've added three more to the tbb or that we had to go buy one of those books. Don't love "we" makes is sounds so much better than "I").

Shaymless Aymless said...

KB: Yes it been very pretty and have been really lucky with very little rain. I realized that I should have factored in a bit more time and swung further north so I could go to Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore. *sigh* That hindsight thing.

Donna said...

Your trip seems very leisurely and your enjoying yourself so far (minus the salt flats). I hope the last leg goes just as smoothly for you.

*crosses fingers for you, so you have internet on your next stop*

Rosie said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa! You read TWO books, while you are driving east, and visiting friends and family? WTH? Dang girl.

Way back when I lived in Colorado Springs. GG lived in Ohio. We drove back and forth about 4 times in a year. Kansas was the flattest place and just unending miles of corn. That's a tough leg to drive.

Stay safe.

orannia said...

It must be an amazing way to see the country (although I can imagine hours and hours of salt flats isn't fun :)

And I love that even with all the driving you've still read two books...and bought another :)

All the best for the last leg! (And fingers crossed for internet access :)

Oh, and congrats on the award!

Tracy said...

I love traveling by car. Yes, sometimes it's boring but I just love the scenery and the adventure. I'd do it now but then I'd have to take my kids and that would be bad...they don't do so well in the car. lol

Have fun!

JennJ said...

Hope the trip is still going good and that the scenery is getting prettier for ya. I know what you mean when I'm away from the internet I feel so lost lol.
You are welcome hon you deserve it. :)


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